Saturday, February 14, 2009

&& why are we still on it......


so i think i will say my 2 cents a/b the alleged (( Chris Brown/Rihanna Case ))

i think it is a SHAME that out of the top 5 stories in the ENTIRE country, they are as follows:

5. Chris Brown/Rihanna Case
4.Rihanna/Chris Brown Case
3. A fiery plane crash kills 50
2. Chris Brown/Rihanna Case
1. Rihanna/Chris Brown Case

.............can you see the problem here! yes, i am VERY interested in what will happen in the case, but c'mon now.....why are [we] more infatuated with knowing the ent. news, when people's family & friends just died??? it could've been you up there!

anywho, i believe that people need to chill on the speculations && fall back until ALL or MOST of the facts are striaight............(( cough cough )) C. Breezy's court date.

as for my intimate thoughts........

--> i can't fathom CB doing anything like what he is being accused of; he even spoke out about how his stepdad used to beat up on his mom; but then again, we DON'T know the real CB

--> i do believe that RiRi is an insecure person when it comes to their [relationship] && the fact that they were trying to hide it complicated things even more && obviously put more stress on the two

--> i think that CB has taken a HARD hit to his career! the sole quality that was driving his career was his clean cut image. he's cute && he's a sweetheart.....that was the package being sold. && now that all of this has happen, he's now viewed as the grown aggressive type which can TOTALLY harm or put an edge to him...only time will tell

--> i love their music either way....RiRi is my style ICON point blank...she's beautiful, edgy, has a great voice && doesn't care what anyone thinks or says....she just does what she wants. && Chris Brown is an attractive young man but the thing that draws me into his act IS his act. he is good looking, energetic, young, great voice, && a awesome performer.

&& i end with this........look what happend to Michael Jackson && R.Kelly people...please lets not have the cycle repeat!

:: joc ::


Thursday, February 5, 2009

&& you're waiting on who again.....

..... is waiting on YOU. lets have English class for a second && address some

questions that may cross the mind:

1) who is the subject? who is the author speaking to?
2) what response/reaction is the author looking for?
3) how is the audience suppose to feel?


1) ???
2) ???
3) ???

:: joc ::

&& we breakin dishes....

LORD!!! i am so tired of looking at these DiRtY dishes that AREN'T mine!

at least i have the common courtesy to wash mine after i use them!!
everybody has their days where they 'might' not get around to it for a day or two....

but a WHOLE week && 1/2 !?!?!?!
what the heck!?
how HARD is it to throw unused food out, throw paper plates away, && wash a few bowls/pans!?

my response to that question : NOT VERY...shoot, people w/o use of their hands would probably give anything to wash just one dish or 2 !

.............wooooo saaaah ...................

4 girls
1 house
dirty dishes EvErYwherE

= a mess!


:: joc ::

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

&& blog 20.0 ....

why do i even bother
when a ring multiplies
leaving silence to painfully escape
through the receiver

a simple phrase
can [brighten] or [dampen]
the day

& disgustingly true
are the preceding facts

[ellipse ellipse ellipse ]

random thoughts//poetry///whatever you call it...suppose to be doing homework but you know how it is...

1) fb
2) minifeed
3) end of story

goodnight all

:: joc ::

&& today class.....

so one of our assign. for class is to write something up here...but i forget, so i'll continue
to write in [randomness] as it pops into my head =)

....ive officially made it to my [SeCoNd bOOk] of poetry! so thats going good....

a piece or two might [appear] up here soon.....

de uno o se!

:: joc ::

poetry Pictures, Images and Photos

&& who wants to make babies

this is totally random, but i came across some thing that lets you [make babies]!

lame i know....
but hey, you know you wanna go ahead

sooooo without further ado, the website is


:: joc ::